The skyline is an effective asset on this magazine because it provides additional information to attract the reader and interest them further. This allows more information to be advertised and adds another glimpse of what’s inside the issue.
The writing is also in the sleek colours of red and black which give the element of power and control, which could indicate how the information inside will show how to take back control of your life when you are in university and how to deal with university life. Also, because the text is in bold, it gives the impression that the skyline is as important as the other stories and so attracts the reader to read them. This header is also effective because it utilises space that beforehand would have just been wasted which could be showing people that this magazine will not waste any of your time and that you will be fulfilled by reading it.
‘Cage the Elephant’ also represents a possible glimpse of how the magazine is like a circus, where on the outside it is just an innocent tent but on the inside is chaos and elements of surprise which creates happiness and joy. This could show how the ‘University Link’ will make you happy and be the highlight of the readers day in some aspects, which is a good sales view as this will attract customers as they want to bring joy and excitement to their day of hard working.
This Medium Close Up image of Chris is effective because it shows who the main story is about and so you can instantly see who you are going to read about, allowing viewers to take a look inside the pages.
Medium close up images are the most effective images of all to put as a front cover as it is just the right distance away to comfort people by not being super close and scaring them, and it is not too far away as to not be seen well from afar. This helps readers see that the editors understand what the potential customers want and how they want it to be presented.
Also, due to the image being slightly over the title, it almost breaks a fourth wall as to show that he is real and not just an image. This is effective because it can show how inside, the writers will treat not only them, but also the readers, as real people and treat them with the respect they deserve.
In the image, Chris is wearing a suit and tie which shows formality and could portray that the magazine will be formal, but due to the way he is sitting, could indicate that it will still be fun and comfortable, as he is sat relaxed. This will attract readers as they will see something that is comfortably formal and link it to thinking that is what the whole magazine is going to be like.
The additional stories on the sides allow the reader to have an insight into what can be read about inside while not giving too much away. This entices the reader and makes them want to read more of the story they have shared and so creates antici…
…pation and want within the reader.
This is also a way to attract all different types of people to the magazine, as the stories could all be an attraction to all different people, and if that story is strong enough, could make them want to purchase the magazine based on that one story (e.g. I bought a magazine for £6 just for one story about Willam).
The colour scheme chosen is also effective because due to the colours being different for the heading and sub-heading, it makes them stand out and be bold which makes them be seen easily from afar. This is great for when the magazines are on shelves as that and the boldness of the text will make them stand out from the others.
As well as that, because the heading and sub-heading of the feature stories are two distinct sizes, it is easy to see which story belongs to which title, making it easy on the readers to understand the layout and what the magazine is about.
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